The San Diego Chapter of the American Needlepoint Guild (SDANG) membership is open to anyone with an interest in needlework, particularly needlepoint. Stitchers of all levels of experience, especially beginners, are welcome. The about page details the activities of the SDANG chapter We encourage you to check us out by attending up to 2 meetings via Zoom or in person ( before joining.
Explore Needlepoint events –Periodically, pop-up events for free needlepoint kits and lessons are held at various locations. If you attend one of our pop-up events, you’ll receive a special offer to join for 2 years for $36 and needlepoint kit and tools (approx. worth $100.) See an SDANG member for the special code! Want to attend a pop-up? Email to be on a waiting list.
The SDANG Chapter dues are $21 per year. You may elect for a two-year option of $40. A third option for paying dues is a lifetime membership which is $450.00. This is a one-time payment of the SDANG dues and is a voluntary choice of payment-not a requirement. The dues will be amortized over a 20 year period. For members selecting the lifetime memberships, they will not owe any additional dues if the SDANG dues ever increase.]
Your membership in SDANG includes many benefits including attendance at monthly meetings on a variety of topics led by needlepoint teachers and other experienced needlepoint leaders, participation in Chapter workshops not readily available to the public, and a monthly newsletter sent via email which keeps you up to date on upcoming meetings and workshops.
Dues are pro-rated FOR NEW MEMBERS ONLY. A new member is defined as someone who has never previously belonged to the chapter. Dues are prorated as follows: May 1 – July 31 $21, Aug 1 – Oct 31: $16, Nov 1 – Jan 31: $11, Feb 1 – Mar 31: $5. April dues will be included with next year’s dues.
For your convenience, we offer two methods of joining/renewing. You may pay for your SDANG membership via PayPal below or send a check to: SDANG Membership, 11858 Abercorn Ct., Reston, VA 20191.
All new and renewing members must fill out and submit the electronic membership form below. Please use the “Submit” button to submit the membership form and the “Pay Now” button if you are paying with PayPal.
You must be a member of the American Needlepoint Guild (ANG) to join SDANG. If you are not currently a member of ANG it’s easy to learn about ANG and join online at Or you can send a check to: ANG, 100 E Washington St, Springfield, IL 62701; Or call ANG customer service at 856-380-6911 and someone will assist you. The dues are $60.00 per year. Included in your membership is the bimonthly Needle Pointers magazine, an opportunity to attend the annual Seminar, enrolling in a wide selection of workshops/courses, such as Correspondence Courses, CyberWorkshops, Workshop by Mail, and Stitch of the Month projects, access to a member only section on the website, participate in a variety of certification programs plus receive bi-weekly ANG electronic newsletter. To continue your membership in SDANG you must maintain your ANG membership.
SDANG Mailing Address: 11858 Abercorn Ct., Reston, VA 20191